Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Auditor: Setting Up & Viewing Related Audits

Written By Kris Berger, QA
Development Lead at Rockton Software
In July of 2012, a new functionality was added to Auditor by Rockton Software, users now have the ability to create and view related audit information from basically any window in Microsoft Dynamics GP.  This means, you can not only view your detailed audit information through SmartList, as you always have done in Auditor, but you can also open virtually any window and view all related audit information for that specific window through the View Related Audits window.  With just a little setup, you can have all the information you want at your fingertips.

The following is a step by step example of how to enter this setup information in Auditor by Rockton Software, so that you can view Checkbook audits from the Checkbook Maintenance window.  This example can be used as a guide when setting up your own audits for viewing in other areas of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Setting Up an Audit Group
In order to have audit data to view, it is necessary to first set up an Audit Group to log changes to Checkbook data. An Audit Group defines which form or table that we want to be audited when data is changed. In this example, we want to audit changes to the data in the Checkbook Master table. We will use a SQL table audit to do this.

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, click the Auditor toolbar icon ( ). Then, choose Audit Group.s
  2. In the Group Maintenance Window, enter BANKING as the Group ID and Group Description.
  3. Click the Add Audit button ( ) and choose SQL Table Audit from the drop-list.
  4. Since we want to create an audit on the Checkbook Master, type CM00100 in the Search field, and then choose either the Enter or tab key.
  5. From the results, highlight the CM00100 for the two database and then click the Select button.
  6. In the Auditor SQL Table Maintenance Window, we need to setup what options and fields we want to audit and receive audit results on. Mark the following three tracking options: Track Adds, Track Deletes, and Track Changes.
  7. From the Field Names, mark the Audit column checkboxes for the following field names: DSCRIPTN, BANKID, CURNCYID, ACTINDEX, NXTCHNUM, Next_Deposit_Number. 
  8. Click OK to save those changes.
  9. Back on the Group Maintenance window, click Save. Then close the Group Maintenance window.

Setting Up a Related Audit
Now, set up a Related Audit so that the audit information captured by the Audit Group defined above can be viewed directly from the Checkbook Maintenance window based on rules that you assign.

  1. Go to Cards > Financial > Checkbook
  2. On the Checkbook Maintenance window, go to Additional > View Related Audits.
  3. In the View Related Audits window, click the Rules button.
  4. In the Related Audit Rules list, highlight Window 'Checkbook Maintenance' and click the Add Rule button ( ) to create a new rule for this window.
  5. In the Rule Setup window, click the Add Window Field Relationship button ( ) to open the Window Field Relationship Setup window.
  6. In the Window Field, type or select Checkbook ID.
  7. From the Field List, type CHECKBOOK ID and then tab. Choose Yes when prompted to create the  Field List.

Setting Up a Field List
Next is to setup a Field List for your audits.  The Field List defines what variations exist for a field name across the system. For instance, the same field can be named one thing on a window and something entirely different in the physical table on the database. This is what the system will try to match in order to show audits on the View Related Audits window.

  1. In the Field List Setup window, type CHEKBKID int he New Field Name box and then click the top Insert.
  2. Type Checkbook ID in the New Field Name box and click this same Insert button again. You will now have two Field Name Variations appearing in the Field List.
  3. Click Save to close the Field List Setup window.
  4. Click OK to close the Window Field Relationship Setup window.
  5. Click Save to close the Rule Setup window.
  6. You will now see the Rule that you have created on the Related Audit Rules Setup window.
  7. Click OK to close the Related Audit Rules Setup window.
  8. Finally, click OK to close the View Related Audits window.

Testing the Audit and Viewing Results
Once the setup information is complete, you can now test and verify that the audit information is working correctly by making changes to one of the fields that you have chosen to audit from within the Audit Group created earlier:

  1. Go to Cards > Financial > Checkbook. Select an existing Checkbook from the lookup.
  2. In the Description field, enter a new description such as TEST, and then click the Save button. This action should have been saved to the Audit Log.
  3. Select that same Checkbook ID again.
  4. Go to Additional ? View Related Audits. You should now see that the audit that was logged in step is listed on the View Related Audits window.

Want to learn more? View a Rockton Software Auditor Demo!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Before Convergence 2013, Meet the Rockton Team featuring Nicole Sexton!

Written By Nicole Sexton, Social
Media Coordinator at Rockton Software

This is your 1st Convergence, what have you heard about Convergence and what are you looking forward to?

I have heard that Convergence is a great place to learn and grow within the Microsoft Dynamics Community. With this being said, I hope to gain more insight on this industry. In March, I will have only been in the Channel for nearly 11 months, so I am still seeking experience to help me grow in my role at Rockton Software, Social Media Coordinator.

If you have any great social media tips or wish to exchange ideas on social media strategies, I will be at the Rockton Booth #1851 on Wednesday and Thursday during the expo hours. Don’t forget to tweet with the hashtag, #Conv13!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

GP Optimizer Winter 2013 is Here!

Written By Nicole Sexton, Social
Media Coordinator at Rockton Software

The GP Optimizer Winter 2013 Publication is out! The GP Optimizer Magazine is a free, online publication available to Microsoft Dynamics GP users. The magazine content is written by ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) that partner with VARs (Value Added Resellers) across the globe to provide solutions to enhance your Microsoft Dynamics GP experience.

Rockton Software’s article, Beyond Fraud: Why Auditing is So Important, features four key tangible benefits of Rockton Software’s Auditor: Data Backup, Procedural Clarification, Performance Evaluation, and Troubleshooting. Auditor is a simple data-change management tool that tracks field and record-level changes to your system by user. With Auditor by Rockton Software you can answer the Who, What, When, How, and Why of your system data!

Click here to download GP Optimizer Winter 2013 by Rockton Software today! Don't forget we are using the Twitter Hashtag: #GPoptimizer.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top Reasons for Project Delays: What has Rockton Recently Changed?

Written By Jenn Schoemer,
Project Manager at Rockton Software

What is the delay?  Maybe you’re a procrastinator–you work better under pressure. Are you a people-pleaser and say yes to everything? The boss keeps piling it on–you’re over committed.  Maybe the project is too broad and there is too much room for interpretation–not well defined.  Or maybe the boss has under estimated the time, tasks, and resources it will take to complete the project–lack of planning.

These are some of the major reasons I see delays in projects, but who has time for delays? Things change at the speed of light in the Microsoft Dynamics world. The language, tools, and planning techniques that we used yesterday to develop software are already out of date.  In our world, we need to be nimble, comfortable in change; constantly look for ways to improve and be more efficient; and most of all offer innovated software.

Here at Rockton Software, we have jumped on the “Agile- Scrum” rocket.  What better way to keep developing innovation than being agile?  The Agile, specifically the Scrum approach, helps us focus on the tasks that are the highest priority, which can be well-defined and scheduled to be completed by the end of a two week period, therefore, creating fewer delays and completing more projects!

Using the Scrum approach also gives us the tools to be nimble. We review, daily, what we have accomplished, as well as plan what we will be working on tomorrow. This gives Rockton the ability to make ‘real-time’ adjustments letting us focus on what makes the best business sense for us and our customers.  Being able to inspect and adapt as we go helps Rockton reduce delays in completing projects.

I think it is just a bonus that the Agile Principles align so well with Rockton’s Core Beliefs.

The Agile Manifesto  (

We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.

What are your tips, tricks, and techniques for keeping projects on track? 

Don't forget to follow Rockton Software on Twitter!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Rockton Retreat Recap: Orlando, Disney World

Written By Nicole Sexton, Social
Media Coordinator at Rockton Software

Rockton’s Disney World Retreat was fantastic, a great Disney experience! I had never been to Disney World, only Disney Land, so the multiple parks—Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom—gave us a ton of stuff to see and do!

Cinderella's Castle
On Monday, Rockton spent the entire day at Magic Kingdom; Magic Kingdom is the park featuring Cinderella’s Castle. The top rides for the Rockton crew were probably the Jungle Safari and Space Mountain! This park is the most similar to Disney Land—it was a great place to start this Rockton Retreat! We ended the night by watching the fireworks that were displayed over Cinderella’s Castle.

Tuesday morning the Rockton team had our first meeting. We started by sharing our stories about our Disney experience; the main reason that Kelli and Mark chose for our retreat to be at Disney World is because of the Disney magic. For example, my fiancĂ© and I are newly engaged, so when we arrived at the hotel we were given “Just Engaged” buttons, but they did not stop there. While we were at the parks, almost every cast member we walked by said ‘Congratulations!’ and some even asked about our engagement. It made us feel special the entire time we were on Disney property. That is just one example of Disney going above and beyond with their customer service, which is exactly what Rockton strives to achieve! After our meeting on Tuesday, we went over to Hollywood Studios; at Hollywood Studios, we were required to see Fantasmic as a group! This was probably my favorite show of the week. If you ever get a chance to go to Disney World, don’t miss it!

The Rockton Team before Illumination at Epcot
On Wednesday, we attended our final meeting of the retreat. Afterwards, we headed to Epcot, which is where we were able to travel the world! Epcot features multiple countries, so you can try food from around the world. In the United Kingdom, you have to try the fish and chips; they were delicious! Another example of the Disney experience was presented to us in Germany, my fiancĂ© purchased a beer, some German beer—I suppose, and the cup was leaking. He went to one of the vendors and asked for a new cup, they refused him a cup, and we thought how odd since that isn’t the Disney way. So, he went to the vendor where he purchased the beer, and the cast member gave him a new, full beer—how neat! That is the Disney way that Rockton Software wants to mirror; the cast members are given the freedom to help the customer as they see fit. Later that evening, Kelli and Mark had a dessert space set up for us to watch Illumination, the night show at Epcot. Delicious dessert and a firework show, what can get better than that?

The Safari
Thursday was the last day to be surrounded by the Disney magic! In the morning, we attended the Keys to the Kingdom tour; this tour takes you through backstage Disney—the secrets to their success! Throughout the tour, we learned that there is a room in Cinderella’s Castle, but you are not allowed to purchase a night there, you must win it! Another thing I didn’t know about Magic Kingdom is that there is a tunnel underneath the park that gets all the cast members to the location that they are working. After the Keys to the Kingdom tour, Rockton Software headed over to Animal Kingdom. I would have to say Animal Kingdom was one of my favorite parks—it is similar to a zoo! The Safari ride was amazing; we saw so many animals, which I was amazed by. Since Animal Kingdom did not have a show that evening, we headed to Downtown Disney to see Cirque Du Soleil La Nouba, which only plays in Orlando. It was exciting, and a great ending to the Rockton Retreat!

Overall this retreat was fantastic. We got to have face-to-face contact with the team, which is rarely possible since we are spread out across the entire United States. As for the Disney way, we learned about Disney empowering their employees to make sure that each guest has an amazing experience, which I’m positive all of us had. I’m thankful that Kelli and Mark were able to give us this experience; the Rockton Retreats are always such a treat!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rockton Software Semi-Annual Company Retreat

Written By Kelli Sexton,
CEO of Rockton Software

We are kicking off a busy week with the Rockton ( Team in Orlando, Florida. We will be meeting for our biannual Company Retreat in Walt Disney World January 6-11, 2013. Since our team is spread throughout the United States, we have committed to gather twice a year to work on moving our business forward.

At Rockton, we always strive to provide exemplary customer service. We know that there are many well-known companies who are equally committed to customer service, companies like Costco, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Amazon. However, it is really hard for our Team to observe their customer service in a meaningful way. Here is where Disney really shines for us.

Why Disney?

About 4 years ago, Mark & I went to Walt Disney World for the first time since we became business owners. We were immediately impressed by Disney’s application of their customer service goals to achieve their business goals and ultimately, for the benefit of their guests. We were impressed that an organization as large as Disney, and in particular the Walt Disney World Resort, could really fulfill the motto “Where dreams come true.” In a subsequent visit, we went on a “Keys to the Kingdom” tour where we were able to see the inner workings of the behind the scenes theme park production. We knew then that we wanted to bring our Team here to see for themselves.

Some things that have impressed us about Walt Disney World:
The properties are always clean
99.9% of their cast members (their term for employees) are always friendly, helpful, and gracious
Their night shows and entertainment productions are consistently great
Stores are open before the park opens and after the park closes so guests are not rushed out
Consistent experiences
Perpetual maintenance & improvement of their property
Ongoing commitment to their 4 key goals: safety, efficiency, courtesy, and show

I am really excited to bringing our team here. Although we will spend a fair bit of time visiting the four different parks to see the Disney Cast Members in action, I am also looking forward to the face-to-face time and the brainstorming during the meetings we have scheduled this week. I know we will come away inspired to take Rockton to the next level! We will be back to our regular schedules on Monday, January 14; we also have limited technical support today, January 8, 2013.

Keep updated with us throughout the retreat by following Rockton on Twitter!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Top Five Rockton Software Blogs of 2012

Written By Nicole Sexton, Social
Media Coordinator at Rockton Software

In 2012, Rockton started blogging! We have our own, personal blog, and we are also contributors to the ERP Software Blog and CRM Software Blog. These are our top five blogs of 2012:

1. August 1, 2012: 10 Tips Before Calling Microsoft Dynamics GP Support was written by Bryan Page. The first four tips were posted on the ERP Software Blog, and the last six were on our blog; we attempted to traffic the readers who enjoyed the original four tips to ours because Rockton’s blog isn’t as well known as the ERP Software Blog.

2. June 26, 2012: The “New” GP Optimizer Magazine: This blog post announced that Rockton created a new publication, GP Optimizer. This magazine is being published as a resource to help customers work simpler and easier, as well as expand their knowledge and expertise in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The next issue will be coming out this week!

3. December 5, 2012: Dear Microsoft Dynamics GP Santa . . . features 10 different add-on products that any Microsoft Dynamics GP customer should put on their list to Santa. We featured two of Rockton’s products: Dynamics GP Toolbox and SmartFill. It is also a great for us to feature other ISVs!

4. October 25, 2012: Upgrading to CRM 2011: Customization Difficulties?: Rockton recently started blogging in the CRM realm since we are currently creating an add-on product, Rockton Connect, for CRM. Connect is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM-based financial management product that provides a real-time view of your business’s vital statistics so you can manage your business more efficiently and effectively. Connect is not currently out, but we wanted to start getting Rockton known throughout the CRM community.

5. September 4, 2012: Useful ISV Products for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Part 2 of 8: This blog was part of a series of 8. Mark Rockwell, President of Rockton Software, did a presentation on these useful products at GPUG.

This is now our second year at Rockton Software that we will be blogging; we hope to have many more exciting and relevant articles for the Microsoft Dynamics Community!