Omni Price: How to quickly update your pricing contracts!
With Omni Price, you can have a single contract setup to
include multiple items with multiple pricing modes. Or, you can have multiple
contracts setup that has pricing setup for a grouping of items. However you decide to setup your contracts
with Omni Price, you can use the Contract Mass Update feature to quickly and
easily change your prices.
Example: Contract – US Phone; Item 100XLG with 2
different pricing modes with multiple pricing levels
Example: Contract – US Phone; Item 1GPROC with 2
different pricing modes with multiple pricing levels
Rather than updating each item one by one, use the Contract
Mass Update window to quickly update your item pricing in a customized way that
works for your company.
Here are steps to complete a Contract Mass Update:
Click Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools,
Point to Utilities, Point to Omni Price, and then click Contract Mass
Update. This will open the Contract Mass
Update window.
From the Update drop-down field, you can choose
to update All Contracts or choose Range of Contracts.
The “Select Contracts to Update” section can
then be used to narrow your query as to which contracts, customers, items, etc.
you would like to update. In this example,
we have selected “Range of Contracts” as the Update type and “US Phone” as the
Contract ID.
Once you have selected which contracts to
update, you can use the Enter Update Parameters options section of the window
to how to update the pricing of your items.
In this example, we have selected to increase pricing by 3.25% for the
selected items within the contract.
Notice you can choose which items in the contract to specifically update
and what the new price calculation will be once the item is selected.
Once the update is processed, a Contract Mass
Update report will generate detailing the changes for historical purposes.
The pricing will be then be updated in the
Contract Maintenance window based on the options entered. Notice in this example how the pricing has now
changed for the US Phone contract we have used throughout this example:
Have a question about Omni Price? Email Rockton