Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lowering the cost of entry with Amazon Web Services and a Product Sandbox

Written By Shawn Strayer,
Web Developer at Rockton Software
It is often said that a good product sells itself and this statement is just as true when the product is software. The difficulty with selling software is that you usually don’t have the benefit of a brick-and-mortar environment where a prospective customer can visit and evaluate your product. Software companies often attempt less than successful ways of dealing with this problem by doing some/all of the following:

Download (Trial Version)
o The difficulty with this approach in a corporate environment is that usually the individual interested in your product does not have the technical knowledge/authority to get it installed and configured correctly. It is a high barrier of entry to ask an end user to download your product, contact their IT department to learn how to install and configure it for them, just so they can do an evaluation. Even if your product is targeted at an individual, many people are not comfortable with the risk of downloading and installing unknown software on their personal-use computer. Another disadvantage is that your product may have been improved or modified since the download happened so a customer may be evaluating something that is out of date. Simply put, this approach is just too much trouble and will only be successful for the rare product that is the only game in town.

On-Demand Demo
o This approach is successful for accomplishing a high level overview of what a product can do, but it lacks the ability to be tailored to an individual customer. Usually, the customer walks away feeling, “Well, I know what it does, but we perform X,Y, & Z tasks differently, and I’m not sure it can work that way.” If you are fortunate, this approach might peak their interest enough that they download the trial software, or it might also result in a time consuming follow up call to the salesperson to gather further information or schedule a Live Webinar.

Live Webinar
o There are many disadvantages to this approach. Often a company will schedule specific dates to perform a mass webinar and that requires the customer to make time in their schedule to evaluate your product. If this is an individual one-on-one webinar, a result of a sales call, then usually the salesperson can work around the customer’s schedule; this model is costly to a software company and simply does not scale well if you have a large client base.

Trade Show
o This is the most personal approach to selling software, and the one that most closely resembles the brick-and-mortar approach available in other industries. Attending a trade show gives you the ability to meet with prospective clients and show them exactly how your software can solve their problem. Usually, your most knowledgeable employee will be giving the demonstration and can answer any questions that arise all while tailoring the experience to the individual.  While trade shows may appear to be the panacea for software sales it has many obvious drawbacks. Although you gain the benefit of having a targeted and captive audience, that audience is limited to those who had the time and resources to attend the trade show, which only represents a very small percentage of your possible customer base. Leveraging trade shows as your primary means of selling software will ultimately result in a much higher cost of sale since this approach often requires travel and lodging. Depending on the size of your sales force, this approach can also lead to burnout and exhaustion due to the excessive time commitments required.

After looking at all of those approaches you may just be thinking there is simply no good way to sell software, and that is where leveraging the cloud comes into play.

To lower the barrier of entry for your software and make it easy for a customer to try your product we, here at Rockton, recommend a product sandbox. For those not familiar with the term, a product sandbox is simply an environment that has your software already installed and configured that an interested individual can access to perform their own evaluation.

As of this writing, it is possible to standup an Amazon Web Service EC2 instance for as little as 12cents/hr with no upfront expenditure; you are only charged for instances that are actually running, which allows us to spawn instances on demand from our website and terminate them when the user is finished.

Although the machine environment remains consistent each time it is launched—the data entered by users evaluating the software is lost when an instance is terminated, so there are no concerns of data exposure between prospective customers.

Another benefit of this approach is having a product environment already setup and configured in the cloud also allows internal employees to use the same environment for product demos, webinars, and trade show environment should the need arise.

So let’s compare how a Product Sandbox approach differs from those above:

Sandbox vs. Download (Trial Version)
o No download, installation, or configuration is required. A prospective customer can simply launch the environment from your website and begin evaluating your software. You are also guaranteed that they are always evaluating the current release.

Sandbox vs. On-Demand Demo
o Unlike an on-demand demo that is static, a customer can actually use your software and evaluate if it works the way they need it to.

Sandbox vs. Live Webinar
o Scheduling is not an issue, now. Since a customer can simply perform their evaluation at a time that is convenient for them. There are also no problems with scaling since unlimited evaluations can occur simultaneously, and the cost to the software company is negligible.

Sandbox vs. Trade Show
o A product sandbox will not provide the high-touch value of meeting with a knowledgeable employee in-person and having your questions answered on-the-spot. However, your sales force will be much better prepared to assist prospective customers when they are not burdened with excessive travel. Hopefully, when they are contacted, they are now dealing with a somewhat educated customer that has previously spent time using the software and has specific task oriented questions. The reach of this approach is also far greater than you would achieve through only attending trade shows.

At the end of the day, your ultimate goal is to make it as easy as possible to let a customer prospect use your software and evaluate if it meets their needs. In the end, purchasing software with as few barriers as possible.

By leveraging Amazon Web Services and having a product sandbox in the cloud, you are well prepared to reach a large client base with a solution that is easily scalable, low maintenance and relatively low cost.

A good product will indeed sell itself, but only if you get it in front of your prospective customers.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Delete Activity Feeds in CRM

Written By Mark Rockwell,
President of Rockton Software
How do you delete Activity Feeds that installs with CRM Online? I couldn't find this elsewhere, so I opened a support case with Microsoft. It's easier that I thought, if you know how:

How to Delete Activity Feeds:
  • Go to Settings-> System->Activity Feeds Configuration
  • Delete all the entries except User (There should be 11)
  • Delete User entry next
  • Publish all customizations 
  • Go back to Settings -> Solutions -> Check Activity Feeds and Delete
  • The Activity Feeds solutions should be deleted successfully

Monday, July 23, 2012

Newsletter: July 2012

                            Work Simpler & Easier
July 2012

Do you waste time figuring out why data changes occurred? 

Take the guess-work out of the WHY with Auditor.
Auditor Screen Shot
Click on image to view demo.

Auditor is a system management tool that gives you the flexibility to track changes that are important to your organization and auditors.

Upcoming Events
The Partner Event
Tech Airlift

GPPC Technical Airlift

GPUG Summit
GPUG Summit
Introducing the newest publication to make your work Simpler & Easier!
 Rockton Software has partnered with several ISVs in the Microsoft Dynamics GP space to bring you this FREE publication to make your Work Simpler & Easier! This is a must read! Don't take our word for it! Click on the image and take a peek for yourself! You'll be glad you did!

Mark's Musings ~ Milestones   
Some things in life are measured in years. Like birthdays, anniversaries, and careers. Other things, just in moments. Like a baby's first word, landing a new job, or simply a quick-witted comment from a checker at the grocery store. 

I turned 40 this year. And I'm glad it wasn't the big deal I once feared it might be. I was contemplating recently why things like birthdays should matter, and I found that they in themselves don't matter to me, but what they do represent is a milestone. A measurement. A reason to stop, notice, and contemplate. As I sit here in my office near Boulder, looking outside at the beauty of nature, I am struck at how fortunate I am. I'm healthy. I have a great family. I'm surrounded by people in my life who love and care about me. Who I am and what I do matters to people. I have gratitude for the gifts I have and the gifts I give. Quite simply, I'm alive.

What I enjoy most about my life is choices. I have the choice to learn and read and gain knowledge. I have the choice to be grumpy, the choice to be happy, and the choice to feel whatever I feel. I get to make mistakes, and then I get to choose whether or not I learn from them. (Admittedly, some lessons are harder than others.) I have the choice to love, the choice to live, the choice to give, and the choice to receive. As I live and grow, I gain wisdom. And I find that wisdom makes most of life's lessons easier to take in over time. Most of all, in this moment, I choose to be thankful. 

What milestones bring you gratitude?


Friday, July 20, 2012

Finding your way around Dynamics GP with Mentor

Here is the original article written by Mariano Gomez on December 9, 2009. The article below has been updated by Jim Peliksza, Developer at Rockton Software.

If you are an end user you probably already know that one of the most frustrating aspects of working with GP has to be navigating through the menu structure. Granted, improvements to the navigation bar introduced since version 9 have made things a lot easier. Nonetheless, remembering where to find an option that will take you to a specific window can be very challenging at time for both experienced and novice users. Also, what if the window you are trying to access is not a main window? What if you don't even have security to the window you are trying to access? What if all you know of the window is a portion of the name? I have to say, I rarely get into blogging about specific ISV solutions, but I had a chance to play around with Mentor, on of the tools in Dynamics GP Toolbox by Rockton Software. Mentor answers the questions above and some more about any window, whether in the Dynamics dictionary or any integrating or third party product and is able to provide the exact menu path to follow to access said window. 

Using Mentor
Upon completing the installation of Dynamics GP Toolbox, you will see a new toolbar that contains an icon that can be used to access Mentor.

By clicking on this entry you immediately gain access to the main Mentor window.

The window is pretty straight forward. I began by testing something pretty obvious. I typed Customer in the search bar. Mentor did exactly what I expected. It searched for all windows that had the word "Customer" in the title, finding 36 items in the process. In addition, Mentor presented all the navigation options for each window and provided visual cues for all windows that can only be opened from a main window.

Mentor is capable of presenting security information for each window displayed, but it also allows you to create shortcuts for these on the navigation bar and provides a quick way to establish the security tasks and roles associated to the window. Mentor is also able to establish whether you have access to a window or not.

Dynamics GP Toolbox also offers a sidekick called Inspector, which presents information about each individual field being navigated along with information on the tables associated to the form. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Work Smarter Not Harder

Alina Filipczak, Marketing Manager at Rockton Software, shared this with the Rockton team, today. It applies to every business- work smarter not harder.  

An old gentleman lived alone in New Jersey.  He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard.  His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison.  The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.

Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year.  I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot.  I know if you were here my troubles would be over.  I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
Love, Papa

A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Papa,
Don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried . . .
Love, Vinnie

At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies.  They apologized to the old man and left.

That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

Dear Papa,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now.  That's the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love you,

Lesson learned. 

Pertaining to Rockton Software-  Auditor is a simple data-change management tool which tracks field and record-level changes to your system by user. Auditor tracks old and new values of data fields, who changed them, when they were change, and optionally can require a note for users to explain why they made a change. Auditor by Rockton Software is the smarter way to track data in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rockton Retreat Recap: Niagara Falls

Alina Filipczak, Marketing Manager
The last five days have been filled with excitement for all Rockton Software Employees. We had our retreat to Niagara Falls, Ontario. On Thursday, we spent all day exploring the beauties of the Falls. This was my first time meeting the whole crew since I was hired in April. My highlight was the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour; thank goodness, we were given ponchos.  I kept wondering: “How many ponchos do they go through a day?” I think we were given ponchos three different times that day.

 On Friday, we had our first meeting of the retreat; this is where we were able to discuss the many successes of Rockton over the past six months. As the Social Media Coordinator, the largest success that I was involved in was GP Optimizer. GP Optimizer: a collection of tips and tricks to help optimize your experience in Microsoft Dynamics GP. It was amazing to hear the successes of Rockton, especially since sometimes we get caught up and do not realize the triumphs.
Oh Canada, Eh? Dinner Theater

On Saturday night, we were able to enjoy the performance and dinner at an amazing dinner theater, Oh Canada, Eh? We devoured a family-style Canadian meal.

Peninsula Ridge Estates Winery

Sunday morning, we headed out to a magnificent winery, Peninsula Ridge Estates Winery, where we were given a tour and wine tasting.

The retreat gave us, here at Rockton, a time to rejuvenate, as well as allowing the new employees of Rockton (including me) to meet each other. Rockton is a team, and it is such a joy to be involved with this company.

-Nicole Sexton, Social Media Coordinator, Rockton Software

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mark's Musings

Written By Mark Rockwell,
President of Rockton Software
Time Out . . .

One favorite and effective parenting tool Kelli and I use is a stern "three, two, one" countdown when something needs correcting from one of our children. In the rare case we hit "one" a consequence, often a timeout, is required. I recall when Erika was 3 (she's 5 now, and is our youngest of four) that she was meddling with something, and I firmly gave a correction and started with "Three!" in my countdown ploy. Quick as a whip, she looked right up at me as sassed back "Two! One! You're in timeout Daddy!" I was so caught off guard that I couldn't recover from doubling over in laughter, as did the whole family. Score: Child 1, Parent 0.

When my kids do get sent to their rooms for a timeout, it's pretty amazing what a few minutes can do to recover us all to normalcy. I marvel at what children can teach me about the importance of a little time away to gain perspective. I personally can get tied up in my own work, oblivious to the need to take a break. Oddly, when I don't rest or take some time away from work, I do get grumpy, and often I'm the one who needs a timeout.

One of our annual traditions with Rockton is our company summer retreat. This year we'll all meet together in Ontario, Canada for some time away from the office. A time to connect together as a team, to celebrate our accomplishments, to revel in each other’s company, to laugh, to plan, and to grow toward the future. I'm thankful it's on the calendar and it is one of the greatest joys of working with such a talented team at Rockton.

So timeouts come in many forms, but they all serve a similar purpose - to ground and center us. Is it time for you to take a time out somewhere? Three... Two...

Friday, July 6, 2012

June 2012: Auditor

                            Work Simpler & Easier

June 2012

Upcoming Events
The Partner Event

Tech Airlift
GPPC Technical Airlift

GPUG Summit
GPUG Summit
Do you waste time figuring out why 
data changes occurred? 

Take the guess-work out of the WHY with Auditor.

Auditor Screen Shot
Click on image to view demo.

Auditor is a system management tool that gives you the flexibility to track changes that are important to your organization and auditors. It can track changes from within your Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting system, or at the SQL database level. This includes any 3rd party product. 

Auditor's flexible setup allows you to determine what level of tracking is best for you. With options to track when records are created, deleted or edited, you will know who changed what, when, where and optionally why. You can even choose to be notified via email when changes occur.

For more detailed information, please check out our website at www.rocktonsoftware.com or email us today at sales@rocktonsoftware.com.

Your Friends at Rockton Software

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Simpler and Easier . . . and Responsive!

Written By Martie Mitchell, Sales
Manager at Rockton Software
As most people know, most ISV (Independent Software Vendor) products are developed from need. Even the best of ERP’s (Enterprise Resource Planning), like the Microsoft Dynamics platform, rarely can conceive of every situation and scenario.

Over the years, Rockton Software has developed products from what started as an inquiry for a customization, or a small user challenge in an unrelated discussion. It’s the “Ah-HA” moment we have all had when looking at some useful, little gadget and saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Recently, a situation similar occurred while promoting one of our newer products—Dynamics GP Toolbox. One of our VAR (Value Added Reseller) partners was queried by their client if our product had a feature around approvals for payments. Since Dynamics GP Toolbox has many security features, and ties into the whole auditing and security package, it seemed to be a natural question. When the VAR partner brought the inquiry to us, our reply was, “Why, no . . . but what exactly are they looking for? Let’s see what we can do to help!”
This simple question became several weeks of conversation around discovery and needs from a large nonprofit charitable foundation. It soon became clear that this should not be a customization, but an additional feature in the Dynamics GP Toolbox, which would dovetail nicely into the other pieces of that product.
Within three months, the code was written, and the prototype was delivered. A few tweaks later—we not only had a happy customer, we had a powerful, new piece of functionality called Payment Approval.
Payment Approval is one of over 20 tools available in Dynamics GP Toolbox. It is a tiered payment approval product that enables you to set the monetary limits and levels (up to 3 tiers) or your choice to approvers that you designate. Approvals can handle one-off checks, batch, and EFT payments. You can even set notes indication your reasons for approval or denial.

That’s how Rockton responds to solve problems!

Want more information? View Dynamics GP Toolbox Demo!