Monday, July 29, 2013

Some Microsoft Dynamics GP 3rd Party Products are Bullies

Pam Rasmussen, Sales Support
at Rockton Software
Not all third party products play nicely with each other, which can cause conflicts. You may find after installing a third party product, other third party products you have installed can suddenly start producing errors or behaving strangely.

All of our products play nice with most third party dexterity-based products in the Microsoft Dynamics GP playground. We have trained them well, however, there are always new ones coming out. So, we have created a simple and easy way for you to get around those “bully” products.

In each of our products on the Setup window | Troubleshooting tab, we have a “Move to First Position” task. It’s as easy as one click. This task automatically places our product just under Dynamics GP in the Dynamics.set file. It will now load just after Dynamics GP, but before any of your other third party products. This eliminates the potential for the “bullies” to interfere with our products.

At Rockton Software, we strive to make the customer experience simple and easy. This is just more way of meeting that goal.

Download your COMPLIMENTARY copy of the Summer 2013 Edition of The GP Optimizer Magazine to check out great Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-On Partners!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Martie's Musing: The Bigger Picture

Martie Mitchell, Sales Manager
 at Rockton Software
Recently, I took a mini-vacation to Central Idaho to do some salmon fishing during the spring Chinook run.

The plan was to ride 300 miles with my husband, where he would continue on to Boise for some extended education, and I would have a calm, relaxing weekend on the river.

Upon arrival, much to my chagrin, I discovered the recent 80+ degree days had blown out the river; this means flooded from rain and snow-melt, muddy, and fast. Freely translated . . . no fishing excursions—bummer. Additionally, it was still raining, and my husband couldn't stay. So much for the best laid plans of mice and men, or so it goes. This looked like it was going to end up being a VERY long, dull weekend.

Friday morning, I took a leisurely breakfast, watched a little television, and did some reading. Then, I decided rain or no rain—I will do some exploring of the area. Of course, I packed my fly rod, got advice on which parts of what rivers were open to what kind of fishing (just in case). I was determined not to let bad weather rain on my parade.

Needless to say, there were places on the river that beckoned for a dry fly, and I accommodated them. I didn't catch any fish, but I rediscovered the joy in being still in your mind, and the calm that ensues from the simple, repetitive motion of cast, retrieve. Cast . . . Retrieve.

In that complete focus, there comes a stillness then peace and calm. I started to notice things I’m usually too busy to see on any given day. How small I am in the universe and how totally insignificant in the bigger scheme of things, especially when compared to the life of a river, mountain, or tree; I am just a fragile, flash in the pan. Life went on before I came, and it will continue long after I am gone. There is the finite possibility of leaving a legacy and how would it define me? This was very humbling, but on the other hand, very freeing—to feel there is a bigger plan, and I am not the master of my own universe. It is ok that I do not have the reins because it is not all going to crumble without me.

I was blessed to be able to repeat this process on Saturday by taking a long hike; the trail was physically challenging, but in this process, my mind was allowed to clear, and I could engulf myself in the sway of the wild grass and the immensity of the surrounding cliffs that were thrown up from old volcanoes coming before my time. This snapshot was my bigger picture.

If you can, I recommend to you to take a few days to get away, alone, and find your way to your bigger picture.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Summer 2013 Edition of The GP Optimizer is Ready!

The Summer 2013 Edition of The GP Optimizer Magazine is ready to be downloaded! It features articles written by Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-On Partners, like Rockton Software; these articles focus on solving common Dynamics GP user needs.

Download the Summer 2013 Edition of The GP Optimizer Magazine, today, and see the value that it will bring your GP experience! Click here to receive the publication via email from Rockton Software!

Monday, July 8, 2013

GPUG: Polino Roundtable – Don’t Miss Out!

Mark Polino, GPUG All Star and Microsoft MVP, hosts a round table discussion with GPUG Summit heavy hitters; this includes us (Rockton Software), Metafile, and Fastpath. He will be asking questions regarding why going to events—GPUG, CRMUG, etc.—are beneficial to their knowledge!

This roundtable has been postponed.

Who will be attending from Rockton Software?
Jenn Schoemer, Project Manager, will be attending this roundtable discussion.

What is Jenn’s Background?
Jenn worked for Microsoft on the Payroll and Human Resources Support Team for five years prior to Rockton Software. In 2007, Jenn joined Rockton as our Technical Support Engineer, consequently, in 2009, she moved into the Product Development Specialist role. Now, Jenn is the Project Manager, and she focuses on managing projects across the entire Rockton Software team.

Jenn truly shines when she is working closely with customers; she loves helping customers find ways to make their work simpler and easier.

For more information about this roundtable discussion, click this link: