Monday, August 20, 2012

Software Helps Everyday Processes

Why do you want to identify everyday processes? How do I identify everyday processes?

Written By Adrienne Lilly, Client
Services Manager at Rockton Software
The simple answer is so the software that you use daily, can do some of your work for you! We, here at Rockton, like to talk about making things simpler and easier, but we need to know what it is that we are simplifying. Software can do anything . . . right? But, what is it we really do every day?

For our part, we may not notice the parts of our daily jobs that happen easily.  But ease can occasionally be surrounded by little bumps in the road and this is where you can learn to start noticing your daily processes.  For this discussion, a process is something that happens in a certain order and with certain repetitiveness to achieve a consistent result; it’s not just for manufacturing or distribution chains.

Let’s say every day you open a form on your computer screen & start documenting an activity, which you will do over and over throughout the day.  On that day when your calendar is hidden behind the inbox and you cannot even guess at what today is, you hear yourself thinking “this date is always going to be the date that I open this particular activity form, why can’t the computer just know this and fill it in for me?”

If you’re listening then you’ve just noticed one step or piece of your daily process and hopefully you can look at other steps close by this one.  Imagine how nice it will be when your “today’s date” auto populates and you no longer even have to think about it?

Every customer will have a different support case that is unique, but nearly all of us have certain things we do every single day. Generally, experts can help you set up a process to assist you in your everyday processes. So . . . start noticing these processes, and share with your experts—making your day run simpler and easier.

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